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Raine & Horne Onsite Sales

Street Address:

00 Street
Brisbane, QLD 4000

Postal Address:

PO Box 36
Carina Qld 4152

ABN: 93 012 961 533

Company Logo

Luxe Property Australia Pty Ltd

Street Address:

132 Marine Parade
Southport, QLD 4215

Postal Address:

101 / 132 Marine Parade
Southport QLD 4215

ABN: 40618763465

We provide short and long term accommodation for both local and overseas people. We are located in Queensland Southport, opposite the beautiful broad water park and sea world theme park. Our location is close to Australia Fair, restaurant, schools ... etc. This business exists for many years and there are a lot of returning guests. We continue to contribute to the business, when you come here, please give us a call 0420 925 989, we always here to help. Looking forward to seeing you in the near future!